Category Archives: General

What Should We Pay Attention To Before Surgery

doctor consultation

Before having surgery, it is important to pay attention and follow certain protocols to ensure the patient’s safety and ensure the best outcome. First, the patient needs to tell the doctor and the healthcare team about any and all medications they are taking, including any vitamins and supplements they are taking. The doctor may decide […]

Resuming Exercise After Breast Augmentation

Exercise after breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a common surgical procedure undergone by many women to enhance their physical appearance and boost their self-confidence. After the surgery, it’s essential to allow adequate time for recovery before resuming physical activities, including exercise. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of exercise after breast augmentation, discuss post-mastectomy exercises to […]

Sleep After Thigh Lift Surgery

Sleep After Thigh Lift Surgery

Introduction: Thigh lift surgery and the importance of getting a good night’s sleep Thigh lift surgery is a procedure that helps individuals achieve a more toned and contoured appearance in their thighs. Whether it’s for cosmetic or medical reasons, undergoing thigh lift surgery requires careful consideration and planning. One aspect that is often overlooked but […]

Exploring the Best Plastic Surgery Combinations

Plastic Surgery Combinations

Plastic surgery has come a long way in recent years. One of the latest trends in the field is combining multiple procedures to achieve optimal results. Plastic surgery combinations offer patients the opportunity to address multiple areas of concern in a single operation. This saves time and potentially reduces costs. By understanding the benefits and […]

Breastfeeding with Implants

breastfeeding with implants

Breast implants have become increasingly popular among women seeking to enhance their appearance and boost their self-confidence. However, for women who have or are considering breast implants, one common concern is whether it is possible to breastfeed with implants. In this article, we will explore this topic in detail and provide you with the information […]

Steps to Prepare for Cosmetic Surgery

Preparing for Cosmetic Surgery

Before undergoing any type of surgery, including cosmetic procedures, it is crucial to prepare for Cosmetic Surgery, prioritize pre-operative care. Preparing adequately for surgery can help ensure a smooth and successful outcome, minimize complications, and promote faster recovery. In the realm of cosmetic surgery, pre-operative care plays a significant role in achieving the desired aesthetic […]

Anaesthesia: Everything You Need to Know


Anaesthesia, a crucial component of modern medicine, plays a vital role in ensuring pain-free surgical procedures and medical interventions. But what exactly is anaesthesia? Simply put, anaesthesia is a medical technique used to induce a temporary state of unconsciousness or insensitivity to pain during surgical procedures. It allows patients to undergo surgeries without experiencing any […]

Managing Your Period During Surgery

Period during surgery

When it comes to undergoing surgery, timing is crucial. For individuals who menstruate, navigating their menstrual cycle during this time can pose additional challenges and considerations. Understanding the impact of period on surgery is essential for a smooth and successful procedure. The menstrual cycle is a natural bodily process that involves the shedding of the […]

Why Is Experience in Plastic Surgery Important?

Find a Good Plastic Surgeon

Plastic surgery is a life-changing decision that requires careful consideration. Whether you’re considering a facelift, breast augmentation, or any other cosmetic procedure, choosing the right plastic surgeon is crucial. The expertise and experience of a plastic surgeon can make all the difference in achieving the desired results and ensuring a safe and successful outcome. In […]

What To Do When The Medications Given After The Surgery Run Out


When the medications given after surgery run out, it is important to contact the doctor’s office for advice or a refill. The doctor may decide to give an additional course of medication or may suggest alternative treatments such as physical therapy or over-the-counter medications. The doctor may also refer to the patient to a specialist […]